Accoglienza Pellegrina is a secular and independent association that brings together Hospitaleros Voluntarios who share certain values, such as:
- Operating on all-volunteer, non-profit basis, respecting the fundamental principles of democracy in practice and the principle of equality of individuals.
- Taking care of pilgrims in the hostels along the spiritual caminos, volunteering in facilities managed by non-profit organizations/ institutions/associations that perform a donation-based hospitality
- Promoting training and information activities for members and pilgrims: refresher and advanced courses, setting up study and research groups.
- Bearing witness to the cultural and spiritual values of the traditional hospitality and caminos understood as an opportunity for personal development; exchanging views with other parties involved in the same topics in the forms deemed appropriate from time to time.
- Do not receive or accept any public or private financial support or be subsidised;
- Not to express, as an association, an ecclesiastical and/or religious choice, nor a political orientation, but to be open to dialogue with other social, education and associative actors.
AP is closely linked to traditional hospitality born over the centuries along the main European devotional routes. AP members offer their services in various pilgrim hostels in Italy, Spain and other places where our presence is needed. We believe that we are an important part of the world of caminos, whose principles and values we want to preserve. On our website we try to provide information about our history, our route, what we do and why.